Dagga Boy - Original Oil on Canvas by Peter Pharoah

Dagga Boy - Original Oil Painting on Canvas by Peter Pharoah (Prices do not include Import Duties & Taxes that may be payable at destination)



Stock status: In stock
Dagga Boy - Original Oil Painting on Canvas by Peter Pharoah
Size: 115cm (height) x 230cm (width)
INCHES 45 (height) x 90 (width)

Prints Available in two sizes:
50cm  (height) x 100cm (height)
100cm (height) x 200cm (width)
(Prices do not include Import Duties & Taxes that may be payable at destination)
The Godfather
Until you've encountered a Dagga Boy charging towards you in real life, you may be forgiven for wondering why this bovine creature ambling slowly across the savanna is considered to be one of the most dangerous of the Big 5 in Africa.

Witnessing a herd of African buffalo on the charge is a sight to behold as the ground shakes and thunders with the sound of their hooves - definitely one of the most awe inspiring experiences you could wish for on your African safari.

But the Dugga Boys are something else entirely - usually solitary, these older buffalo are likely to have been forced from the herd by younger males and usually gravitate towards the muddy pools that promise a steady supply of fresh grazing and a place to wallow in the mud which they use to coat their skin, protecting them from the sun and biting insects... hence the name "dugga boys" from the Shona word for mud.

It's not unusual to spot two or three of these cantankerous African buffalo bull hanging around, they are notoriously stubborn, aggressive and unpredictable and known to charge with little provocation. These large adult males often have an impressive set of horns the meet in the middle of their head and joined by a hard shield which is referred to as a “boss.”
The horns are used for defense and having seen them in action, I believe that the African Dugga Boys truly deserve their spot on the leaderboard as one of Africa's most dangerous beasts.

Peter Pharoah
December 2023

Dagga Boy - Original Oil Painting on Canvas by Peter Pharoah
Size: 115cm (height) x 230cm (width)
INCHES 45 (height) x 90 (width)

Prints Available in two sizes:
50cm  (height) x 100cm (height)
100cm (height) x 200cm (width)

(Prices do not include Import Duties & Taxes that may be payable at destination)
The Godfather
Until you've encountered a Dagga Boy charging towards you in real life, you may be forgiven for wondering why this bovine creature ambling slowly across the savanna is considered to be one of the most dangerous of the Big 5 in Africa.

Witnessing a herd of African buffalo on the charge is a sight to behold as the ground shakes and thunders with the sound of their hooves - definitely one of the most awe inspiring experiences you could wish for on your African safari.

But the Dugga Boys are something else entirely - usually solitary, these older buffalo are likely to have been forced from the herd by younger males and usually gravitate towards the muddy pools that promise a steady supply of fresh grazing and a place to wallow in the mud which they use to coat their skin, protecting them from the sun and biting insects... hence the name "dugga boys" from the Shona word for mud.

It's not unusual to spot two or three of these cantankerous African buffalo bull hanging around, they are notoriously stubborn, aggressive and unpredictable and known to charge with little provocation. These large adult males often have an impressive set of horns the meet in the middle of their head and joined by a hard shield which is referred to as a “boss.”
The horns are used for defense and having seen them in action, I believe that the African Dugga Boys truly deserve their spot on the leaderboard as one of Africa's most dangerous beasts.

Peter Pharoah
December 2023
  • Prices subject to change without prior notice
  • Copyright Peter Pharoah
  • All orders prepaid
  • Stretched Prints Available
  • Pricing for stretched print delivery on request
  • Prices exclude customs duties or taxes
  • VAT may be applicable from other vendors
  • All customs duties or taxes are payable at the final destination
  • Debit Cards Accepted
  • MasterCard/VISA
  • Electronic Funds Transfer
  • Money Transfer with WISE.COM
  • Prices quoted in all major currencies - sales processed in South African Rands (ZAR)
  • International Delivery Available
  • Door to Door Delivery
  • Prices exclude freight, packaging & insurance
  • All Images Copyright Peter Pharoah
  • All sizes indicate Height x Width
  • Limited Edition Large Format Prints
  • 100 x 200cm / 39 x 79 inches
  • 50 x 100 cm / 20 x 39 inches
  • 115cm (height) x 230cm (width) 45 inches x 90 inches
  • Original Available
  • Colour may vary from this example
  • Giclee Print on Canvas
  • Oil on Canvas

contact details

Name: Ms. Tracey Pharoah

Business phone: 0769762629

Mobile: 0769762629

Email Enquiry: pharoah.art@gmail.com

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